Difference Between if-else and switch - C Tutorial

Programming languages or concepts

Difference Between if-else and switch


“if” and “else” are the keywords, and the statements can be a single statement or a block of statements. The expression evaluates to be “true” for any non-zero value and for zero it evaluates to be “false”.
The expression in if statement can contain an integer, character, pointer, floating-point or it can be a boolean type. The else statement is optional in an if-else statement. If the expression returns true, the statements inside if statement is executed, and if it returns false the statements inside else statement are executed and, in case an else statement is a not created no action is performed, and the control of the program jump out of an if-else statement.

if (condition) {

    // Block of code if condition true

} else {

    // Block of code is condition false


What is a switch statement?

In the switch statement, we compare the condition value with multiple cases. When there is a match with any one of the cases, the block of code corresponding with that case is executed. Each case has a name or a number which is known as its identifier. If none of the cases matches the condition, the block of code corresponding to the default case is executed. 

Syntax of switch statement

switch (condition) {

case identifier1:

//block of code


case identifier2:

//block of code


case identifier3:

//block of code


case identifiern:

//block of code



//block of code


Difference Between if-else and switch





In the case of 'if-else' statement, either the 'if' block or the 'else' block will be executed based on the condition.

The switch statement has multiple cases and the code block corresponding to that case is executed


Used for integer, character, pointer or floating-point type or Boolean type

Used for character expressions and integers.


Tests both logical expressions and equality

Tests only equality


Multiple statements for multiple decisions

Single statements for multiple decisions

Sequence of Execution

Either the code block in if statement is executed or the code block in else statement.

The switch case statement performs each case until a break statement is encountered or the end of the switch statement is reached.

Default Execution

If the condition inside the if-statement is false, then the code block under the else condition is executed

If the condition inside switch statements does not match any of the cases, the default statement is executed.


Based on constraint

Based on user


If you use 'if-else' to implement several options, the speed will be slow.

If we have numerous options, the switch statement is the best solution because it executes considerably faster than the 'if-else' statement.


Difficult to edit nested if-else statements.

Easy to edit.


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