Java syllabus

Programming languages or concepts

Java programming

Overview of Java

Introduction to Java

History of Java

Java vs C++ 

Java Development Kit (JDK) in Java

JVM and its architecture

Differences between JDK, JRE, and JVM

Just In Time Compiler

Difference Between JIT and JVM

Difference Between Byte Code and Machine Code

How is the Java platform independent?

Basics of Java

Java Basic Syntax

First Java Program (Hello World)

Datatypes in Java

Difference between Primitive and Non-Primitive Datatypes

Java Identifiers

Operators in Java

Java Variables

Scope of Variables

Wrapper Classes in Java

Input/Output in Java

How to take Input from users in Java

Scanner class in Java

BufferedReader class in Java

Scanner vs BufferedReader in Java

Ways to Read Input from Console in Java

Print Output in Java

Difference between print() and println() in Java

Formatted Outputs in Java

Fast Input-Output for Competitive Programming in Java

Flow Control in Java

Decision making in Java

If Statement in Java

If-Else Statement in java

If-Else-If ladder in Java

Loops in Java

For loop

While Loop

Do while loop

For each loop

Continue Statement in java

Break Statement In Java

Usage of Break in Java

Return Statement in Java

Operators in Java

Arithmetic Operator

Unary Operator

Assignment Operator

Relational Operator

Logical Operator

Ternary Operator

Bitwise Operator

Strings in Java

Introduction of Strings in Java

String class in Java Set-1 | Set-2

Why strings are immutable in Java?

StringBuffer class in Java

StringBuilder class in Java

Strings vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder in Java

StringTokenizer class in Java Set-1 | Set-2

StringJoiner in Java

Java String Programs

Arrays in Java

Introduction to Arrays in Java

Arrays class in Java

Multi-Dimensional Array in Java

How to declare and initialize 2D arrays in Java

Jagged array in Java

Final Arrays in Java

Reflect Arrays in Java

Difference between util.Arrays and reflect.Arrays

Java Array Programs

OOPS in Java

OOPS Concept in Java

Why Java is not a purely Object-Oriented Language?

Classes and Objects

Naming Convention in Java

Methods in Java

Access Modifiers in Java

Constructors in Java

Four pillars of OOPS in Java

Inheritance in Java

Abstraction in Java

Encapsulation in Java

Polymorphism in Java

Interfaces in Java

This reference in Java

Inheritance in Java

Introduction to Inheritance in Java

Inheritance and Constructors

Multiple Inheritance in Java

Interfaces and Inheritance

Difference between Inheritance in C++ and Java

Abstraction in Java

Introduction to Abstraction in Java

Abstract Keyword in Java

Abstract classes in Java

Abstract class vs Interface in Java

Control Abstraction in Java

Difference between Data Hiding and Abstraction

Encapsulation in Java

Introduction to Encapsulation in Java

Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

Polymorphism in Java

Introduction to Polymorphism in Java

Difference between Inheritance and Polymorphism

Runtime Polymorphism in Java

Compile-Time vs Runtime Polymorphism

Constructors in Java

Introduction to Constructors in Java

Copy Constructor in Java

Constructor Overloading

Constructor Chaining

Private Constructors and Singleton Class

Methods in Java

Introduction to methods in Java

Different method calls in Java

Difference between Static methods and Instance methods in Java

Abstract methods in Java

Method Overriding in Java

Method Overloading in Java

Method Overloading Vs Method Overriding

Interfaces in Java

Java Interfaces

Interfaces and Inheritance in Java

Difference between Interface and Class in Java

Functional Interface

Nested Interface

Marker Interface

Comparator Interface

Wrapper Classes in Java

Need of Wrapper classes in Java

How to create instances of Wrapper classes

Character class in Java

Byte class in Java

Short class in Java

Integer class in Java

Long class in Java

Float class in Java

Double class in Java

Boolean class in Java

Autoboxing and Unboxing

Type Conversion in Java

Keywords in Java

List of all Java Keywords

Important Keywords in Java

Super Keyword

Final Keyword

Abstract keyword

Static Keyword

This Keyword

Enum Keyword in Java

Transient keyword in java

Volatile keyword in java

Final, Finally, and Finalize in Java

Access Modifiers in Java

Introduction to Access Modifiers in Java

Public vs Protected vs Package vs Private Access Modifier in Java

Access Modifiers Vs Non-Access Modifiers in Java

Memory Allocation in Java

Java Memory Management

How are Java objects stored in memory

Stack vs Heap memory allocation

Types of memory areas allocated by JVM

Garbage Collection in Java

Heap and Stack memory allocation

Types of JVM Garbage Collectors in Java

Memory leaks in Java

Java Virtual Machine(JVM) Stack Area

Classes of Java

Classes and Objects

Understanding classes and objects in Java

Class vs interface

Singleton class in java

Object class in java

Inner class in java

Abstract classes in java

Throwable class in java

Packages in Java

Java Packages

How to create a package in Java

java.util package

java.lang package package

Collection Framework

Java Collection Framework

Collections class in Java

Collection Interface in Java

How to learn Java collections

List Interface in Java

Queue Interface in Java

Map Interface in Java

Set in Java

Iterator in Java

Comparator in Java

Difference between Comparator and Comparable in Java


ArrayList in Java

Vector class in Java

Stack class in Java

LinkedList in Java




Custom ArrayList in Java








Deque in Java


Concurrent LinkedDeque

LinkedBlocking Deque

Priority Queue in Java




Working of HashMap

Traverse through a HashMap in Java





















Exception Handling in Java

Exceptions in java

Types of Exceptions

Difference between Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

Try, Catch, Finally, throw, and throws

Flow control in Try catch block

Throw vs Throws

Final vs Finally vs Finalize

User-defined custom exception

Chained Exceptions

Null pointer Exceptions

Exception handling with method Overriding

Multithreading in Java

Introduction to Multithreading in Java

Lifecycle and Stages of a Thread

Thread Priority in Java

Main Thread in Java

Thread class

Runnable interface

How to name a thread

start() method in thread

Difference between run() and start() Method

sleep() method

Daemon thread

Thread Pool in Java

Thread Group in Java

Thread Safety in Java


Multithreading Tutorial

Synchronization in Java

Java Synchronization

Importance of Thread synchronization in Java

Method and Block Synchronization in Java

Local frameworks vs thread synchronization

Difference between Atomic, Volatile, and Synchronized in Java

Deadlock in Multithreading

Deadlock Prevention and Avoidance

Difference between Lock and Monitor in Concurrency

Reentrant Lock

File Handling in Java

File Class in java

How to create files in java

How to read files in java

How to write on files in java

How to delete a file in java

File Permissions


File Writer

FileDescriptor class

RandomAccessFile class

Java Regex

Introduction to Java Regex

How to write Regex expressions

Matcher class

Pattern class


Character class

Java IO

Introduction to Java IO

Reader Class

Writer Class

FileInput stream

File Output stream

BufferedReader Input Stream

BufferedReader Output stream

BufferedReader vs Scanner

Fast I/O in Java

Java Networking

Introduction to Java Networking

TCP architecture

UDP architecture

IPV4 vs IPV6

Connection-oriented vs connectionless protocols

Socket programming in Java

Server Socket class

URL class and methods

Java SE 8 Features

Lambda Expressions

Streams API

New Date/Time API

Default Methods

Functional Interfaces

Method references

Optional class

Stream Filter

Type Annotations

String Joiner

Java Date & Time

Date Class in Java

Methods of the Date class

Java Current Date and time

Compare dates in Java


Introduction to Java JDBC

JDBC Driver

JDBC Connection

Types of Statements in JDBC

JDBC Tutorial

Java Miscellaneous

Introduction to Reflection API

Java IO Tutorial

JavaFX Tutorial

Java RMI

How to Run Java RMI application?

Java 17 New Features
