String and String functions in c programming language & <string.h> header file in c
String.h is the header file in the C standard library for C programming language which contains micro definition, constant & declaration of function and types using not only for string handling but also variable memory handling function.
Function declared in string.h are externally popular.
it is also c standard library function.
String functions only works with characters encoding made of types such as ASCII & UTF-8.
String.h header defines one variable type, and variable function for manipulate in array of characters.
Following is <String.h> reader function and description:
Variable and description
Size_t:- This is the unsigned integral type and is the result of the sizeof keyword.
Library micro and description-
Null:-. This micro is the value of a null pointer constant.
- The"mem" functions manipulate sequence of arbitrary characters without regard to the null character.
- The "Str" function manipulate null_terminated sequence character.
- The "Strn" functions manipulates occurrence of non_null characters.
Following is a commonly used string function:-
Some of the most commonly used functions in the string library are:-
- Strcat:- concatenate two string.
- Strchr:- string scanning operation.
- Strcmp:- compare two string.
- Strcpy:- copy a string.
- Strlen :- get string length.
- Strncat:- concatenate one string with part of another.
- Strncmp :- compare a part of two strings.
- Strncpy:- copy part of a string.
- Strrchr:- string scanning operation.
- Strlwr:- convert to lowercase.
- Strrev:- return the string reversed.
- Strupr:- convert to uppercase.
This is a some function for more details of <functionString.h> function and description click here