Strings in c programming language:-
String is a nothing but a collection of characters in a linear sequence. To represent ap string, a a set of characters are enclosed within double quotes (" "). The c string like "" old look like as follows in memory.
Strings are defined as array of characters.
Example of string in C:
char str []="";
index - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Str- i n p r o u t . t e c h
Declaration & Initialisation of strings:-
char variable_name[size];
char ch[20];
it is also possible to declare C string as a pointer to a char.
char* ch1= "";
A stream is usually declared as an array of characters.
Ex. char ch[30];
initalizing of string :-
char String_name[ String_length] = " String";
Initalizing a string A string can be initiated in different array we will explain this with the help of an example below is an example or declare a string with name as str and initialize it with"".
char ch1[30] ={'i','n','p','r','o','u','t'};
//Array Initialisation
char ch2[20] ={""}; //shortcut array Initialisation.
char ch3[30] =" "; //Empty & null c string of,0 equal to" ".
Basic c program using string for getting clear understanding of Initialisation and declared string:-
int main()
// declare and initialize string
char str[] = "insproutsoftware";
// print for use for printing string
return 0;
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