full course c programming
Unit 1: Introduction to Principles of programming
Introduction to Programming , Programing Domain : Scientific Application , Business Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Systems Programming , Web Software Categories of Programming Languages: Machine Level Languages, Assembly Level Languages , High Level Languages Programming Design Methodologies : Top Down and Bottom UP Program Development Cycle with case study, Program Execution and Translation Process ,Problem solving using Algorithms and Flowcharts, Performance Analysis and Measurements: Time and Space complexity
Unit 2: Introduction to C Programming:
- Features of C and its Basic Structure, Simple C programs,
- Constants, Integer Constants, Real Constants, Character Constants, String Constants, Backslash Character Constants,
- Concept of an Integer and Variable, Rules for naming Variables and assigning values to variables
Unit 3: Operators and Expressions:
Unit 4: Data Types and Input/Output Operators:
Floating-point Numbers, Converting Integers to Floating-point and vice-versa, Mixed-mode Expressions, The type cast Operator, The type char, Keywords, Character Input and Output, Formatted input and output, The gets() and puts() functions, Interactive Programming.
Unit 5 : Control Statements and Decision Making:
- One Dimensional Arrays, Passing Arrays to Functions, Multidimensional Arrays, Strings
Unit 7: Pointers – I:
Basics of Pointers, Pointers and One-dimensional Arrays, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointer Subtraction and Comparison, Similarities between Pointers and One-dimensional Arrays.
Unit 8: Pointers – II:
Null pointers, Pointers and Strings, Pointers and two-dimensional arrays, Arrays of Pointers
Unit 9: Structures and Unions:
Basics of Structures, Arrays of Structures, Pointers to Structures, Self-referential Structures, Unions.
Unit 10: Functions:
Function Philosophy, Function Basics, Function Prototypes, and Passing Parameters: Passing Parameter by value and Passing Parameter by reference, passing string to function, Passing array to function, Structures and Functions Recursion
Unit 11: Storage Classes:
Unit 12: The Preprocessor:
Unit 13: Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked List:
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Allocating Memory with malloc, Allocating Memory with calloc, Freeing Memory, Reallocating Memory Blocks, Pointer Safety, The Concept of linked list, Inserting a node by using Recursive Programs, Sorting and Reversing a Linked List, Deleting the Specified Node in a Singly Linked List.
Unit 14: File Management:
Defining and Opening a file, Closing Files, Input/output Operations on Files, Predefined Streams, Error Handling during I/O Operations, Random Access to Files, Command Line Arguments.