JAVA vs Python

Programming languages or concepts

 Difference between Java and Python





Java is a Compiled Language

Python is an Interpreted Language


Java is a static-typed programming language.

Python is a dynamic-typed programming language.

String Operation

The scope of string operation in Java is very limited.

The scope of string operation in Python is very widespread.

Learning process

Java is fairly complicated and it can some time to understand and master the programming language.

Python is fairly simple as it is easy to understand and hence recommended for beginners.

Multiple inheritances

Java can implement multiple inheritances partially through the usage of interfaces.

Python offers single and multiple inheritances. It is simple to implement this concept easily.


Java is slower than Python.

Python is comparatively faster than Java. But in general, it is very slow as compared to other languages like C and C#, etc.


Any device capable of running a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is capable of running a Java Code.

Python is comparatively less portable. It needs an interpreter on the local machine to execute the code.


Java needs 10 lines of code from a file to read.

Python needs only 2 lines of code to read from a file.

Backend Framework

Blade and Spring

Flask and Django

Companies using the technology

Netflix, Instagram, and Spotify

Google, Dropbox, and Uber

Best feature

Widely used and documentation is available easily.

Easily written and rapid development can be done.

Best Usage

GUI apps and web app services.

Scientific and numeric computing especially ML

Database Support

Stable connectivity is offered by Java.

Weak connectivity is offered by Python.

Complexity of syntax

Java is a statically typed programming language. There are hardcore rules for braces and semi-colon.

Python is dynamically typed and there are no hardcore rules for semi-colon and braces. It works on inundation.


Java uses braces to highlight the start/end of any function or class.

Python does not use braces but a proper indentation needs to be followed for the code.

ML Resources

MOA, DeepLearning4j, and Mallet

Pytorch and Tensorflow


JVM runs codes and converts bytecode into machine-readable language.

Python translates into machine-independent byte code.

Game Development Engines




Java is a compiled language. JVM is the core thing used for the same.

Python is an interpreted language which means code is scrutinized line by line.


Java is a static-typed programming language.

Python is a dynamic-typed programming language.


What is Java?

Java is a multi-platform, object-oriented, and network-centric, programming language. It is among the most used programming language. It also used as a computing platform, and it was first released by Sun Microsystem in 1995. It was later acquired by Oracle Corporation.

Why Java?

  • A large pool of skilled developers available
  • Detailed documentation is available.
  • It is a multi-threaded environment that allows you to perform many tasks at the same time in a program.
  • A huge array of 3rd party libraries
  • Easy to navigate libraries
  • It allows you to form standard programs and reusable code.
  • Excellent performance

What is Python?

Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language. It has built-in data structures, combined with dynamic binding and typing, which makes it an ideal choice for rapid application development. Python also offers support for modules and packages, which allows system modularity and code reuse.

Why need Python?

  • Very simple syntax compared to Java, C and C++ languages.
  • Used for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and the general overarching AI field. Very useful in data analysis and visualization.
  • Extensive library and handy tools for developers
  • Python is cross-compatible
  • Python has its auto-installed shell
  • Python is a portable language so that it can run on a wide variety of Operating systems and platforms.
  • Python comes with many prebuilt libraries, which makes your development task easy.
  • Python helps you to make complex programming simpler. 
  • Python provides an interactive shell that helps you to test the things before it’s actual implementation.
  • Python offers database interfaces to all major commercial DBMS system.
  • Supports imperative and functional programming
  • Python is famous for its use in IoT.

History of Python

Here, are important landmarks for Python language

  • Python was first conceived in the late 1980s, but its implementation started only in December 1989
  • It was invented in the Netherlands, by Guido van Rossum.
  • Rossum published the first version of Python (0.9.0) in February 1999
  • It was derived from ABC programming language, which is a general-purpose programming language.
  • Nowadays, Python is maintained by a core development team although Rossum still plays a vital role in directing its progress


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